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Sunday, February 15, 2015

Spring Mail Art 2015

 We are stitching Spring in my mail art group. I finished mine pretty fast as I have been spending long early morning hours stitching when I can't sleep..I am so looking forward to spring and warmer weather..Staying in the house so much is starting to get to me..I am an outside girl. Every day is a step closer to spring .


Brigitte said...

It's great to see you posting again, Connie. And what a great envelope you show here. I love the design that you used for it.

diamondc said...

Good to see your post, I must try
mail art.
Thank-you, you have inspired me.
I hope you continue to blog I promise to keep following and commenting.


Meari said...

It turned out beautifully!

Crystal Digitizing said...

nice embroidery digitizing usa designs!!