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Sunday, February 15, 2015

Spring Mail Art 2015

 We are stitching Spring in my mail art group. I finished mine pretty fast as I have been spending long early morning hours stitching when I can't sleep..I am so looking forward to spring and warmer weather..Staying in the house so much is starting to get to me..I am an outside girl. Every day is a step closer to spring .

Friday, April 19, 2013

Here is a picture of True Virtue framed.It is so much more beautiful in real life.I find myself staring at this piece a lot.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Merrily Beams Mail Art

Joanie has been so sweet to me so I decided to stitch her an envelope.We both LOVE Merrily Beams..and we both stitched Feed The Birds..Joanie was kind enough to pass this chart to me after she stitched it.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Happy Friday

Here is a picture of the mail art I stitched for our exchange.This was a surprise exchange.We got to stitch whatever we wanted.Now I am stitching Feed The Birds by Merrily Beams..Thank-you Joanie..Maybe I will have some pictures to show next week.Now I am off for some fun times with good friends.Hope you all have a great weekend..

Friday, September 7, 2012

Mail Art

Today I received a beautiful mail art from Meari She does such neat stitching.The linen is so pretty and soft.I am not sure what count it is but she stitched over 1 thread and the stitches are teeny tiny..Thank-you Meari for the lovely envelope to add to my collection..

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Mail Art

Oh How I LOVE mail art..I know you have heard me say that before..But it's true I love it!!! Mail Art is one of my MANY passions..We are going to be starting a new exchange on Monday and I want to invite anyone that reads my blog to come join us. If you have always wanted to try it now is your chance.Don't be afraid some of the most beautiful mail arts I have seen are from girls stitching their first envelope.There is a button on the right side of my blog that says stitchers of mail art just click on it and it will take you to our group..Hope to see you there..